
  • The letter sensor

    Today I will present you our letter sensor. You will find a descripion in this pdf-file: Letter sensor Following by the “Eagle” based board: Letter sfh_4550 (Datasheet of the LED) and by the source code: Letter.X and, at last, by the stl-file for the cover of the LEDs and the fototransistors: Letter Cover I hope…

  • The Motherboard

    Motherboard description and “Eagle” files First download the “Eagle”-file (see below) and then read the description. On the board there are two microcontrollers: PIC16F1517/9 and PIC16F876(A). The 1517 is the Master, who controls the motion of the robot. The 1517 has 4kB and the 1519 8kB programm space. If you want to use the board…

  • Die Technik unserer selbstgebauten Roboter. Our selfmade robots.

      Da die Technik international von Interesse sein kann, werden die Texte in englisch verfasst sein. First off all I want to present our two robots of our teams, who will fly to Montreal. The names of the Teams are “Geisterfahrer” (ghostdriver, in terms of cars who drive the wrong direction on the highway) and…